We have the collaboration of an administrative body made up of 5 members, the operational body with 4 members and a faculty made up of 19 teachers, professors, and assistants.
Multiculturalism also prevails among Dolphin’s and Pacific collaborators, out of 28 collaborators only 9 are Costa Rican, reaffirming once again the richness of learning at our institution.
Each teacher and professor on campus makes a sum of more than 130 years of experience, professionalism, and vocation in charge of the educational process of their students.
Dolphin’s and Pacific teaching staff have the experience and motivation that a student always has behind them throughout their individual and personalized learning process.

Mrs. Ruth Villavicencio
Academic Cordinator

Mr. Sebastian Alvarado
Financial Department
Mr. Christopher Acosta
Psychology Department
Meet The Teachers

Teacher Arelis Medina
Preschool & Pre Kinder
"Teaching is training other people with a vocation.
Teaching is an activity that is carried out in conjunction with home and school, it is an experience that is based on love, tolerance and commitment. When I watch my students develop their capabilities, accomplish their accomplishments, and be amazed at what they do, there are no words to describe how special it is to see them as the wonderful beings that are unique and special."

Teacher Dyanne Badilla
Preschool &
"For me to educate is to ensure that children are capable of having a critical thought towards life, it is to give them tools to develop a better future. Educating in the preschool area is opening minds and touching little hearts in a positive way."

Teacher Adriana Salas
Preschool & Transition
"Being a teacher is my passion, it is my vocation, it is what I like the most in the world! Being able to be part of the life of a child and leave a mark of good in them."

Teacher Rita Bernal
Elementary School
"For me to teach is to create curiosity and amazement about everything that surrounds us, and thereby make my students want to investigate and learn more, and together with them I continue to learn too."

Teacher Ruth Villavicencio
Elementary School
& Social Studies
"Being a teacher gives me the opportunity to help in the formation of competent, resilient and interested citizens in creating and contributing to a more just and equitable society."
Teacher Ana Laura García
Elementary School
My name is Ana Laura García Reyes. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Pedagogy with an emphasis on the first and second cycles of General Basic Education. I consider myself a passionate teacher dedicated to teaching and committed to my work. I am committed to providing quality, loving, and understanding education to make a positive impact on the hearts and lives of my students.

Teacher Daniela Torres
Elementary School
Geography & High School Language Arts, History, Cultura General
"Education is when a teacher becomes a compass that activates the magnets of knowledge, which facilitates learning, which is a guide, reinforces values, develops skills and makes students' wisdom shine."

Teacher Marco Garcia
Elementary School
STEM, Computer Science & High School Physics
To educate according to T Marco:
... "is to be a forger of new perspectives, of social changes and of good. It is to train men and women with a spirit of good, who are consolidated in fundamental values, such as the creation of a better world in which we want to live ... "
Elementary School & High School Language Arts
Teacher Rebeca Ceciliano
Personal Growth &
Lic. Psicología UCR
I am a strong believer in integral health and movement.
As a psychologist it is my goal to instill in the younger generations a healthy mindset to carry on through their lives. It is imperative not just for the individual, but for society at large that we train our young minds to be psychologically healthy and ready for everything that comes their way in life.
Teacher Christopher Acosta
My purpose is to help improve the quality of life for as many people as I can. It's a pleasure for me to be here, and I hope to contribute and transmit my knowledge in a positive and nourishing way for the students of this institution.

Teacher Iratxe Casado
High School
Biology, Marine Biology & Science
"Education is the most valuable weapon we have to be able to train conscientious and responsible people. Helpful and committed people. To train people capable of overcoming life's difficulties and always willing to fight and help others to make this world a better place."

Teacher Jessy Aguilar
High School
"For me to teach is to love what I do and to be able to enjoy the beautiful profession that I have, the students surprise us and I would always choose to discover something new and fully develop the capacities of each one to obtain meaningful learning"

Lisseth Garcés
Elementary School Assistant
"For me to teach is to love what I do and to be able to enjoy the beautiful profession that I have, the students surprise us and I would always choose to discover something new and fully develop the capacities of each one to obtain meaningful learning"

Teacher Jessica Angulo
Physical Education
"The teaching of physical education consists of a set of strategies that promote physical and mental conditioning suitable for the growth of all, it is to be able to exercise skills and abilities, such as balance, flexibility, speed, strength and also, strength of being healthy people and aware of individual physical well-being."
Teacher Johnny Benavides
School & High School Language Arts
I found in teaching the opportunity to use art and spirituality as a way to understand and support the human condition. When I was at the University, I studied that pedagogy and didactics are a type of art, that was the moment where I found myself interested in this profession. I feel that spending time with children is a healing therapy. I really like understanding the mind, and every time I teach I find myself into a constant research that I intrinsically enjoy, therefore I consider myself an experiential, eclectic and alternative teacher.

Teacher Lucrecia Jimenez
Industrial Arts
This beautiful institution has allowed me to develop as a professional and acquire unforgettable experiences both as a person and as a teacher. What I enjoy most about working here is when we do a project and when I congratulate them for achieving something new. It fills me with excitement to see the entire process of growth and development of students, to see every step they take, and to know that I am part of those new learnings. It motivates me to continue doing my job with the utmost love. To the directors and colleagues, for every word and display of affection that motivates me to continue, for being the best leaders of this institution, it will always be my second home.

Teacher Nelly Moncada
Guide Teacher
To be a teacher is both a responsibility and a blessing. Of course, our job is to teach the content of the lessons, but we also have a responsibility regarding education in values. By modeling patience, kindness, and respect, we can prepare our students to be citizens of the 21st century.

Teacher Jacqueline Gutierrez
Preschool Assitant
" El ser asistente de preescolar es la forma perfecta para poder moldear y crear personas de gran corazón y valores aparte de grandes profesionales porque lo que se enseña desde los primeros pasos nos lleva al éxito."
Teacher Anastasia
Elementary School
Plastic Arts &
Environmental Education
"Educating for me is promoting the acquisition of abilities and skills, being a facilitator of knowledge and good habits through different activities that allow the student to develop physical and intellectual capacities; is sharing feelings, giving the best of oneself to each student, teaching with love and patience, reinforcing values, and making each day the best for each one."

Greivin Bolaños
Teacher Charlene Kirkham
Preschool Asistant
Lo que más me apasiona de ser Asistente de Preescolar es la conexión única que se establece con los niños. Cada día es una aventura llena de risas, descubrimientos y aprendizajes. Ser testigo del asombro y la curiosidad en sus ojos mientras exploran el mundo que los rodea es realmente inspirador, ser Asistente de Preescolar va más allá de una profesión, es una experiencia transformadora que me permite contribuir al crecimiento y desarrollo de los niños en sus etapas más importantes.

Teacher Marcela Marin
Casa cuna
"Soy graduada en asistente de preescolar, guía Montessori y estimulación temprana. Con experiencia en guardería y educación preescolar. Me apasiona trabajar con niños, soy organizada paciente y empática. Mi actitud es observadora interesada y de orientación. Me encanta interactuar con niños para y ayudar en el trabajo diario. Soy muy creativa y con disposición a seguir aprendiendo"
Maintenance & Cleaning Team

Mauricio Moraga
Maintenance & Cleaning

Carlos Mendoza
Maintenance & Cleaning